13 November 2010

How to use Indian Currency Rupee Symbol From Keyboard ?

https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEj9OohAcns0EYSoBQktxc-Yu4yYXJKywG8AMAg-qEojVMqoZ1_5Xe9j5YIXr8Dg2a7dSZd160aFsKiX9rgZ7YpeFCOTTWWFf7R0TbaE1t9Jrrz8REWkLySzbkDywiIpYBVI-uu3KGiwZks/s1600/final+indian+rupees+symbol.jpgRecently we know that Indian currency rupee has got its own symbol, so now if we want to use the same as they way we use '$' symbol for dollar and many other symbol for different currency then what to do?

Government of India and many other IT experts predicted that within one year or little more we will can see the use of Indian rupee symbol in computer and all other printed forms.

But if you are excited Indian Citizen and just want to use the symbol of Rupee instead of 'Rs' , then you just have to download the Rupee font from below download link and can install in your system and use it from ' ~ ' key.

To install Rupee font follow below step :

 Download Rupee Font From any of Below Two Links :

Link 1 
Link 2

 Instal the font on your PC.
To do so just Open Control Panel and open Fonts From there and copy the downloaded file there.

Step - 3
 Select the Indian Rupee Font From the Font Style.

Step- 4
 Just use Tilt key from below escape key (' ~ ')
Each time you will use '~' key you will get the symbol of rupee.

That's it You have done it.

If you have any problem in using or installing the Indian Rupee font comment in below.

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