You are using a public computer? And you don't want that others see your porn? Let's do something about it!
Step 1: Copy all your porn to: C:\Hide
Step 2: Search on the internet for a picture you like, ofcourse not a porn picture. Save it to C:\Hide. Change the name to a easy one, like picture...
Step 3: Open C:\Hide and select all your porn files, Right click > Add to Archive. All your porn files will be put in a rar file. Now rename the rar file to a easy one like Hide.rar
Step 4: Open the command prompt.
Execute this: cd C:\hide
Then this: copy /b nameofthepicture.jpg + Hide.rar nameofthepicture.jpg
If you did everything hide the command prompt should return:
1 File(s) Copied or something.
Step 5: What did we do?
We copied all our porn into a picture. Now try opening the picture by double clicking on it. It will open Windows Image viewer or something, so you will see the picture.
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